Update: Kabele has been adopted!
All of the kitties profiled here are URGENTLY seeking a new home before the shelter closes on April 12. Many of these darlings have been at the shelter for several years and are desperate to find a loving home. Please contact me at thskitties@gmail.com if you can help or would like more information about the cats. These are cross posts only and I am not a THS employee.
if it wasent for the THS being idiots about a very sick cat, Rocco (black, 3 years old, with lumps/masses all over his chest/tummy area under his fur, he also refused to use the litter box, and cried when he did pee or poo.) I adopted long ago and tried to help him, took him back 3 times for help, (came all the way from west etobicoke using TTC buises, subway and streetcars), nothing, (infact the attitude of the staff was downright nasty and they even once told me that because I'm blind and on assistance, I shouldent own a cat!!), finally he just took a poo on my pillow as i was sleeping one night, right beside my head, that was it, Took him back a 4th time and tried begging for them to help, I have many photos of him, when he was here at my home, he was seriously sick, I have been blacklisted by THS.
Yet I have been a Cat lover all my life, I grew up with cats my whole life., I have one now, Sasha, she is 4 and healthy as an ox, She is my second cat of my own since I was 15..
My first cat of my own, Smokey died from complications of a surgery to get rid of a complete blockage from 'crystals' and he was my bubs, he was only 6, but he had been mine since he was 7 weeks old.
I am legalty blind and I am working full time at a sheltered workshop, as well as bbeing on ODSP.. So I can afford to feed 2 cats.. I also love bback cats..
I'm so glad to hear Kabele was adopted! I'd wanted to go get him, but too nervous about THS staff.
I am so sorry to hear about your experience and can understand your hesitation. Fortunately the attitude of the remaining staff is amazing.
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