Friday, April 2, 2010


Its hard to believe that this gorgeous 3 year old girl is still sitting in a cage waiting to be adopted. While not overly affectionate, she is extremely playful and will make you laugh at her antics. She has become a bit plump during her stay, but she just needs some space to burn off those extra pounds. Cali would benefit from an experienced owner that understands the body language of cats as she does display some petting aggression at the shelter. She is indifferent toward other cats, but no kids please!

Update: Cali has been adopted!


may said...

I adopted Marcus a 3 year old male cat with chronic health problems last Saturday. I saw Cali and she is beautiful! An employee opened her cage door and playfully patted her Cali's head when I was there. This cat seems to be a real favourite.Apparently the only thing that Cali does not like is to be patted for long periods of time.

Anonymous said...

Solution! Don't pat her for long periods of time! Some of us humans are like that too! No special needs here.